I’m not the same with the others people. They usually celebrate New Year with party, aha? I’m simple. And I’m not kindda of Party Madness. Yes, 3 years ago, when I’m still at 8th grade, I celebrate New Year with my family, my mom, Dad, and Sister. We went to BOF at Tabanan. We slept over night there, for a day. We don’t use tend, so we go to Inn, I forgot the name -_- yeah, the air there was so cold, but it’s comfortable.
At night, we had a fireworks and fire bonfire. It was very nice night, because the sky looked like colorful. I forget to take some pict there :’(
And yeah, the day after, in the morning, we try to find some restaurants there, and we got Saranam Hotel & Restaurant. The panorama was so beautiful with rice field outspread wide like carpet basin, haha. But it’s true. It’s beautiful…
I ordered Nasi Goreng with a cup of Milk there. Haha, it was a freak combination for breakfast, isn’t it? :D and here, I took some freak picture too! LOL.
Please don’t get hungry when you see this pict. Because I feel that anyway ;P
Okay, this is not a very important posting. So don’t get mad to read this haha. See yaa later ;;)