May 29, 2011

Thanks a Lot, Daddy :*♥

Daddy just bought a new camera for me and my sisters. He gave us surprise! Awww dad, you really...I can't describe it! This camera is Nikon D90. Thanks Dad!!

May 17, 2011

Thanks For The Wishes, Guys :*

This is a kinda late posting. I just turned to sixteen three days ago, on May 13 2011, after Mayna's birthday lol :p
I still awake at 12.00 A.M, and I looked up to my recent updates at BBM, I found the first person who wrote "Happy Birthday awi, ILYSM" he is my beloved boyfriend :*
Thank you for the wishes guys, I hope your wishes will come true. Me being a better person for the future, and this year will bring me much happiness and luck. God Bless Us :*



Makasi ya temen-temen, ucapan lewat SMS, BBM, twitter atau yang ngucapin langsung juga. I love you all guys :)