Hellow Mellow February!
 | AsrithariDewi
It was such a lovely how this February started with a holy day, Galungan. Hopefully this month full of blessings. Astungkara☺
2/1/12 7:02 AM |
Today was special day for Balinese to celebrate Dharma against Adharma. It caled Galungan. Happy Galungan's Day for who celebrated it!
Few days ago I went to my school that recently held an annual event that well-known as Festival Karmany Smansa which is lasted for 2 days. I went there twice on Saturday and Monday. Actually I didn't enjoyed enough the event, but it was kinda success I just too uncomfortable with the people there. It was too crowded that I can't even breathe -_- okay I'm overreacting haha. There was guests star like Superman Is Dead, Painful by Kisses, King of Panda, Roll Fast, Glast Heim, Set Me Free and many more that I don't even care with their songs. I don't know actually what they were singing. Hmm sorry no offense. Just I don't like metal hardcore, it's slam-bang you know.
mine and his ticket |
Okay I saw so many people there but still my eyes looking for one person haha. Yea if you know who I mean. He was wearing his idea like he told me before when we still close hm. He looked great. And on 29th January, Monday, it was my ex-boy birthday. I'm getting closer again with him but I can't promise you that things will be the same like it was. I was planning to gave surprise to his house but I late. He've arrived at Romy which is Ame's hangout. He became the security-thingy on FKS so I cancelled that failed surprise -____- but then he took me home and finally I could gave him that gift. I'm so sorry if it's too late yea bas :p
1st day outfit |
I don't like if my post just filled by photos. On the 2nd day I didn't took any photos. But I was wearing tube dress and flat shoe with messy curled hair -____-
Yea I think that's all about what recently I just experiencing. Next post will be unimportant wahahaha. See ya!
P.S: that memories keep spinning in my head, jerk.